Patch Of Dead Skin On My Ankle

Gross It s a lack of proper blood flow. You should ensure that your shoes are properly fitted and try to massage your feet often. That may explain the gray tones.

The cracks are either because of extremely dry skin, or because of a fungal infection. To kill two birds with one stone which is really mean. rub some rubbing alcohol on your feet once a day for the next few days, and maybe more often if you have sweaty feet. Because alcohol has a drying effect, use a foot creme or lotion after your feet are dried. So regardless of the cause of this nasty problem remember :MOSITURIZE YOUR FEET.

Dry thick hard scaly skin on ankles

I have developed patches of thick, scaly, hard, dry skin on the outside of both feet just on and below the ankle bone, maybe 1 x 3 areas. The patches are not discolored except for white striations from dryness. No cream or lotion or oil I have used on it shows any discernable improvement. Pumice stone didn t help much either. Can you suggest a name for such a condition. A treatment.

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It sounds as though you are describing calluses.  Are you wearing footgear which rubs.  If so, padding the skin may help.

To soften what s there, try a cream containing 20 urea.  You can buy that over-the-counter in the drugstore.


Dr. R

These sound like calluses.  Do they rub against something if so, padding them with moleskin may help.

For treatment, start with a cream containing 20 urea OTC.   This softens thickened skin very well.

Dr S

I ve been watching for a topic like this to come up. The soles on  my wifes feet  are very thickened  and calloused  they often crack  very deeply and then bleed. The cracks  tear open stockings and the like. Similarly no cream ever fixes the problem although the heavy duty creams from the pharmacy help the most  recently  after much gentle persuasion from myself she went and saw a podiatrist. He cut away much of the thickened skin with a scalpel. The result  was cosmeticly pleasing  although my wife was unable to walk for 3 to 4 days  as her feet  were so tender. He did coment that he had never seen feet so badly affected her sister and mother have the same skin complaint . She is quite embarresed by them and feels they are untreatable, A doctor told her grandmother  probably 45 years ago  that she was missing a layer of skin a diagnosis that has stood until the present day  Would you be able to comment on what this sounds like. Who would be the most apropriate type of medical person to see. Could it be a fungal or bacterial  infection. Any advise you could offer would be apreciated Thanks

Thanks so much, Drs. R S.I don t know why something as simple as calluses never occurred to me. Now that you ve said that, I m sure that s what they are. I am also aware that the condition is due to pathetic postural habits with regard to my desk chair, which has hard rough fabric upholstery. I tend to make a lap for my cat in this chair by plastering one or the other ankle against the fabric. This has been going on for about 6 years, with me complaining all the while that I really need to get a better chair. I picked up a jar of the 20 urea cream today, but I hope I can also change my bad desk habits too. Or reupholster my chair in moleskin.. lol.

Ian, your wife s problem sounds awful. I hope you can find a solution for her.

Thanks for  your concern Mary  I really dont know what to  do to help. They are not likely to  get better in a hurry  and she is very reluctant to seek help. I cant help thinking it  is a fungal type problem with the extra cream  making the problem worse

i have the same problem in the winter, its called dry skin.  try lubing up those feet and ankles with petroleum jelly, then slip a pair of socks on before going to bed. after a few days it should be much smoother.

Hi Mary,

   This sounds like you are allergic to possibly Home Products that you use such as: Laundry Soap, Foam Baths and also food that you may eat.   Putting Socks on at night will not help as it will overheat your skin, make it sweat, dry it and consequently make it worse.   First off, it sounds like you have an advance Psoriasis on the verge to become cracking and bleeding.   You must act at once and if you wish for us to help out, please, contact us at: medals. and it will be a pleasure to help you.

   We are a Distributor of Natural Body Home Care Product for a Company called: Druide Laboratories Inc. from Montreal, Canada and we have specialized in Skin Care of People.

Best Regards

Joe Ghislaine

Our Web Site:

Hi Ian, I have the same problem as your wife, and now it has gone to my hands. It was so bad that in the fall, I used my volleyball kneepads to crawl around the house on, because the feet where so cracked. I just went to the dermatologist yesterday. He says I have psorisis. The skin grows rapidly and it is a genetic thing. It is not a fungus and isnt contagious. My feet kind of look yellow and red warm patchs before they go dry then thicken and crack, do mary s. And the cracks are so deep it is hard to walk. Believe it or not I have had 3 doctors tell me to do this and i thought they were crazy. But it really works. I tried it last night and i cant believe how normal it feels now. OK, you ready. On the cracksus crazy glueno kidding. I didnt believe them. But it works. And didnt hurt. One crack i have now is about 1/8-1/4inch deep and 1inch long altoghether. But now it is closed. and i can walk. I usually have to walk on tippytoes because it hurts to put pressure on heels. And i have put on weight from inactivity. Did Mary. Doc put me on a Vitamin D cream and other type of acidic cream forget name to alternate each day. Also keep wearing the vaseline and socks at night if really bad use saranwrap over vaseline. It is the only way to get relief from the itchingand dryness and to soften it up so we can slough it off. By pumice stone or cutting of. Ian Be glad it isnt on her hands. Mine are so gross, i had to give up two jobs so far. And had to quit playing my fav sport. beach volleyball. My hands and feet bleed to much on contact.

Hope it helps. Thanks for helping your wife. My husband doesnt say anything to me. I wish i had someone like you who understood with compassion. So i told him to get a new model wife without all the imperfections..haha.


ps. if you notice Joe is on everyones message board trying to sell something. I hate that. I feel like i am a leper and they are trying to feed off of us. I have had so many people approach me with their snakeoil cures. They shouldnt be allowed on these forums to sell there wares. We are looking for personal help and compassion from someone that knows what we are going thru. Not some sales pitch. But of course the net is for everyone and allkinds.

My brother has just shown me his hands, finger tips cracked his heal thickened and cracked, also the palm of his hand losing layers of dry skin.  Total gross out.  I will give him your suggestions.  He has to get better.  I feel so sorry for him.  He hasn t been to the doctor. I wish he felt important enough to take time out of his busy day and go. He is important..  Thanks for advice I will definetly pass it on.

Jayne, your brother has the same as me, Karen. It is on the palms of my hands the most. But after a week of this new creams. oh, the one i couldnt remember is a steroid cream, prescription My hands almost are starting to look normal. And I feel much better. Sounds like your brother is suffering some self esteem problems with this disorder. I feel gross with it and very embarrassed. It effects so much throughout the day. It is horrible when your own kids dont want you touching them because your hands are gross. So keep giving your bro support.

Take care, He needs to go to a doc to slow this problem down.

Hi karen

thanks for the advice the glue  sounds like a great idea, my wife Larissa   is a bit unsure though.

  It  does seem like its hereditry, her sister, mum, or mom  as you call them and grandmother both have it on ther hands and feet

the conditions you describe   are almost identical to the conditions   on her feet, including difficulty walking and  bleeding   frequently.   It does lead to self esteem problems as well.

Is Psorisis  easily treatable  or  more a suffer in silence kind of thing.  I will scan the archives  and see what else is available

I know there are so many different  snake oil type cures around I was having trouble finding  information  on line  from any source with out  bumping into that type of thing and their miracle  cures   Best of luck  with yours  as well

PS. I was checking the  Derm forum  daily, but with no results,   I became despondant and hadn t checked for ages, I just thought i would check  again -Im so glad I did. cheers   Ian

Hi Ian

Nice to see you again. Yes i say mom, you must be british to say mum. i am from canada.

Anyway, Psorisis is not easily treatible. I have got some info from a medicine package called Dovonex. It is a vitamin d cream made by LEO Pharma Inc. Maybe you can look up more infor about psorosis at their site. Seems to me so far it is not responding well. I wonder if it will ever go away. I have gotten used to the contant bleeding from cracked fingers. But i wonder about blood poisening from so many open cuts.

From what i have read so far, there is no cure and they are not sure why it starts. Great. But stress and heredity is their answer for all. I hope your wife is doing OK. I was so depressed from this i told my husband that i would leave him so he could get a wife that doesnt have so many medical problems. I am on meds now for depression. This skin problem is very serious to the lives around it. Effects all, work, cooking cleaning, holding hands with the ones you love is taken  away from us. The little kids say my dry cracked skin hurts their skin. And wont hold my hand. For a mother this is very depressing.

Anyway, thanks for lettng me go-on-andon.

Take care,


Hi Karen

your situation sounds  awkward  I can understand  why you must feel the way you do. fortunatly  Larissa does not have it on her hands although  her mother does.

How young are your children. they sound like they must be quite young. We dont have children yet   Here is my  address if you want to comunicate off the forum

Thanks for your support Ian,

My kids are small but not that small, always babies to me. I have a policy to never relay email to people on the net, but thanks anyway for the offer. I am sure you meant it with the best interest at heart.

I hope Larissa is doing ok with her hands now. It is getting to be summer here and is good for skin. The sunshine does good things for the whole body.

Must be going,

take care,


No Worries  ,thats fair enough, hope your well


hi just to say i have suffered  with psorisis for many

years and in my case the more i worry about it the worse

it becomes. Now  when i have a flare up i just try to

keep my skin as moisteurised as possible and try to relax.

I am going through my second load of treatment, the last was 2 years ago. As I understand psoriasis is hereditory, my Mum has it my Aunt mothers Sister has it and my Brother had it He is no longer with us.

My brother I take from my nother s side of the family, werease my other 2 sister s from Dad s side have no effects.

My treatment apart from topical coal tar based shampoo TGEL which can be bought over the counter is very expensive but very good.I am also undergoing UV Light Treatment at my local Hospital for the second time and this is working wonderfully you even get a tan care obviously has to be taken for fear of skin cancer. so you need direct medical advise and which light you may need.You can get this treatment on NHS in UK but you will need to be referred by your GP.

I feel lucky I do not suffer with it on my hands or feet but basically everywhere else.I used to wear trousers everyday so no one could see my legs, but you must get light to your skin as much as possible and to this I go forward and don t care.

Please I wish everyone who suffers great stregnth and happiness and keep your chin up.

Hi, i also have Psorisis which affects my elbows and scalp. I tried a thousand creams and they only brought light relief. I saw a skin specialist and he prescribed an ointment called dithranol. It is by far the best cream you can get for the treatment of Psorisis. You apply it for 15 mins twice a day and after two days your skin is completely clear. My skin was SO bad at the time i was in tears and it fixed me up right away. It also gives you a sun tan. I applied it to my legs and arms and the next day everyone thought i d gone to Hawaii over night. roughly 1 in 6 people in the world suffer from Psorisis so we are not alone.  I was on my way to Melbourne and i heard on the radio that some scientist in Melbourne had found a cure and it will be released in 3 Yrs. It was called a Gene cream and cures you completely of Psorisis. I guess they are still testing it which is why it won t be out for a while. So Cheer up everyone we ll be able to walk around in singlets and T-shirts again soon.

See ya


PS Psorisis doesn t like sunshine so 10-15 mins a day on affected areas helps as well and this came from the skin specialist. By the way you need a prescription from your local GP for the ointment and it costs about 20. And be warned DON T GET THIS STUFF ON ANY OF YOUR CLOTHES OTHERWISE OUT THEY GO, IT S STAINS REALLY BADLY.


I also suffer from Psorisis and have tried many creams, ointments etc with nothing really working all that well. I have found that the best solution is coal tar. I mix coal tar solution 2 in with aquious cream and apply this to the affected areas on my skin. I also mix a bit of coal tar solution into my shower gel. I find that this does not eliminate the affected area but it does prevent further developement and iching. I buy the coal tar solution at a pharmacy without a prescription so it is fairly easy to get hold of may differ from country to country. The pharmacy can also mix up the coal tar and cream for you. I have be told that Psorisis is genetic but is only transfered via females and that there is no known cure for Psorisis and that it can only be controled at present.



A related discussion, palms of my hands was started.


patch of dead skin on my ankle

Why is the skin on my ankle dead?

Dead skin and ankles. Premium is attach photo is part of leg just above ankle, the skin looks like a dead one and also a dark itchy skin patch below my left.

patch of dead skin on my ankle patch of dead skin on my ankle
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Dry thick hard scaly skin on ankles - Dermatology